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Millie Brown neemt afscheid

Millie Bobby Brown heeft afscheid moeten nemen van haar oma. Gisteravond deelde Millie een emotionele post op Instagram.

De oma van de ‘Stranger Things’ actrice is overleden aan Alzheimer. “Ik kan soms maar niet stoppen met huilen en moet soms ook lachen om alle herinneringen. Soms ben ik gewoon stil en probeer ik te begrijpen wat er is gebeurd. Alzheimer is zo wreed. Dat iemand alle herinneringen kwijt raakt en daarna niet meer weet hoe als mens te functioneren. Het is zo moeilijk om dat te zien gebeuren,” schrijft ze onder de video. In de video zien we een intiem momentje tussen Millie en haar oma.

De reacties stromen vol met lieve berichtjes van haar fans en iedereen wenst haar heel veel sterkte.

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram

There’s no words that make sense right now. There’s no feeling to pin point. Loss is something so complex and I go thru spells where I cant stop crying and then I laugh about all the memories and then sit quiet and try to comprehend what happened. Alzheimer’s is evil. Its cruel. Taking away someones ability to remember memories and then how to function like a human being. Its so hard to sit there and watch. i’ll always be your millie moos. I hope u watch over me and protect me like u did when I was little. I loved you more than anyone could ever love. Ill tell everyone about you and the lessons u taught me. Ill thank you every day for the laughs and memories u gave me all through out my life so far. My whole life has been amazing and ive enjoyed so many aspects of it, But what ive come to realize, is waking up in nanny ruths house, with the smell of sweet porridge and honey in the middle, with the news playing on the tv and the washing hung up on the line. The cats walking around and the kids playing outside. Id give her the biggest hug and say “ill see u later”. As I played outside with all of the children for hours and hours. She would sit there by the window and say “dont go too far” “stay nearby” “its time to come in”. Id run inside and ham, bread, chips, and beans would be on my plate with a capri sun and we’d sit opposite each other and id tell her what I did that day. After dinner, I usually sang to her or we’d figure out some cross word puzzle as I sat on her lap. Midnight would come and we would lay in bed and she’d tell me stories about her memories as a child and what living through World War 2 was like. I couldn’t come home to give u one last snuggle because of Covid-19 so FaceTime was all that we had. I sang to you as much as my voice could take it, even when u were sleeping. These are memories ill never forget. She is truly my guardian angel. I love you nanny. Theres no forgetting a soul like this one. I hope time will somewhat heal. But for now ill hug mummy and watch videos of us singing and dancing. Rest easy x

Een bericht gedeeld door mills (@milliebobbybrown) op


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